Online tuition and speech therapyThe Understanding Minds telepractice makes a team of highly trained teachers, speech pathologists and educational psychologists available to your school and to parents in the familiar environment of your home or school while eliminating travel time and costs. Our Internet-practice was originally designed for rural and remote students who often do not have the same access to tuition and speech therapy as their urban peers. However, the benefits of eliminating travel time and having therapy occur in a familiar environment are now being recognised by parents in urban areas. Improving accessUsing Voice-over-the-Internet-Protocol technology (VoIP), our therapists create a "virtual" classroom or speech therapy clinic in your school or students' homes. In one-on-one therapy sessions they:
Traditional teaching methods are delivered via the Internet medium to address a range of challenges, including:
Evidence-based careVoIP technology is an exciting new medium for opening opportunities to rural and remote students and for saving time and costs for students in urban areas. It is also an evidence-based practice as recent research with colleagues at Griffith University has proven that our Internet-practice methods are effective for improving reading skills. ResearchA peer-reviewed, scientific paper was recently published in the journal Sage Open showing that reading intervention can be effectively delivered to students in rural and remote regions via the Internet. Read more about this research by Dr. Craig Wright and Dr. Michalle Wright from Understanding Minds and Dr. Liz Conlon from the Griffith Health Institute. Read the paper. Are you a school principal wanting to set up a virtual learning support classroom or online speech therapy service? Are you a parent wanting to reduce travel costs and access an expert service for a student with learning difficulties or speech/language needs? Are you a parent of a sick child who has not been able to attend school? Call us on +61 (0)7 5526 1516 or send an email to request more information or to set up a consultation.