Information on service fees is available by contacting Sherryn on 07 55261516.

Medicare items can only be provided to people with 'an assessed mental disorder' on referral from a general practitioner, psychiatrist or paediatrician. All psychology Medicare services are limited to a maximum of 10 sessions per client per calendar year. Clients are also eligible for 10 sessions of group therapy per calendar year. Please speak to your GP or specialist about a referral under a Mental Health Care Plan.

The Medicare Safety Net applies to the new psychology Medicare items. Any payments above the rebates paid by clients for these items will contribute towards their safety net eligibility.

go to medicare_logowebsite

Enhanced Primary Care Plan
Clients with chronic and complex needs may be eligible for 5 allied health (psychology or speech-language pathology) consultations per calendar year. Clients must be referred by a GP and require the services of at least two medical or allied health professionals. Clients should check with their GP to determine eligibility.

Private Health Fund Rebates
Most private health insurance funds provide rebates for psychology and speech-language pathology services. Check with your fund for details of your coverage. Note that clients cannot use private health insurance ancillary cover to 'top up' the Medicare rebate paid for psychology services. They need to decide if they will use Medicare rebates or private health ancillary insurance cover.