Dyslexia is a problem with the word-reading networks in the brain. Dyslexia literally means poor (dys) with words (lexia). The individual with dyslexia has difficulty reading the words on the page; it is not a problem with comprehension. The weakness in word-reading is most notable when reading words in isolation. People with dyslexia often read better in context because they are able to use other skills and information to make up for weaknesses in word-reading. Ironically, this contextual facilitation effect means that many bright children with dyslexia remain unidentified because most reading tests conducted in schools use stories.

craig_pictureDr. Craig Wright runs the Understanding Minds Dyslexia & Reading Difficulties Clinic. Dr. Wright is an expert in the reading and dyslexia field. He has published 36 scientific papers, book chapters and training programs on dyslexia and developmental disorders. His work has most recently appeared in the prestigious journals Annals of Dyslexia and Brain & Cognition.

Assessment of dyslexia in the clinic typically involves:

  • 4 sessions of assessment, focusing on assessment of relevant written and oral language skills.
  • Identifying the subtype of dyslexia
  • Identifying coexisting conditions
  • Developing an individual treatment plan
  • Educating parents on normal reading development and dyslexia
  • Training parents, teachers, and/or teacher assistants to deliver the appropriate treatment. Alternatively, one of our teachers will deliver the treatment over the Internet. Read more about our virtual school
  • Demonstration of various technology solutions for dyslexia and learning
  • The problem(s) and solutions are documented for the purpose of obtaining special provisions within the school system
Contact Sherryn to book an assessment
Phone 07 5526 1516 | Email Sherryn

For a brief history of Dyslexia visit the history page


Numerous lists of symptoms can be found online, an example can be found online. Most list symptoms such as poor organisation and difficulty telling left from right that are not specific to dyslexia. The core problem in dyslexia is with efficient word recognition and/or accurate sounding out of unfamiliar words. Therefore, the best predictor of whether you think your child/student has dyslexia is to ask two key questions:alphabet_letters_2

    1. Does he/she know fewer words by sight than other students of the same age?

    2. Does he/she have difficulty sounding out new words?

Consider an assessment for dyslexia if the answer is yes to either question.